Trailer for "Velocity" - A short film specially created for a newly-wed couple's Chinese Wedding Dinner.
Director/Director of Photography/Scriptwriter/Editor:
- Diana "Woddee" Lim ( | )
Produced By:
- Swiftwing ( )
Shot on the Canon 5D MKII, courtesy of Swiftwing. Edited on Final Cut Pro 6, LiveType.
This was my first attempt using the 5D MKII to shoot a short, without any prior knowledge to the camera and its settings (I only had a 5 minute crash-course on the day of the shoot by swiftwing himself on how to use the camera.)
By standards, it isn't exactly very stellar but nonetheless, a major feat for me who was almost running this on a one-woman show. From pre-production to post-production.
Someone we've gotten to help... The footage was re-cut into something totally different