18 July, 2008

Maintenance and Upgrade

Running a higher compression engine comes at a premium. This time round it has claimed its price. A leaking head gasket. Luckily its not blown yet. Just bubbling into the cooling system resulting in the fan not being activated by the thermostat.

Here's the skinny on the 2 items that's going to make a difference:

Hayabusa "Pro-Mod" Studs

The Hayabusa engine uses head bolts instead of the preferred stud arrangement. When engines are subjected to bigger bores, higher compression ratios, nitrous oxide, turbo, etc. the stock head bolts are not up to the task. Blown head gaskets are the result.

APE is the leading manufacturer of heavy duty cylinder studs for motorcycles. The Hayabusa studs are made from ultra high heat treated premium 8740 steel and feature rolled threads for maximum strength. Torque to 60 lbs. APE head nuts are machined from billet stock and heat treated to prevent threads from stretching. This set up is a must for all serious go fast motors. Extra thread on the nut end allows them to also be used with no plate when using APE CHN10125-10 cylinder head nuts.

Please note that the cylinder head can not be removed with engine bolted in place when using studs.

Heavy Duty Cylinder Head Nuts

Super heat treated cylinder head nuts are a must for high output engines.
Help prevent blown and leaking head gaskets caused by the threads in the soft stock nuts stretching. APE nuts are machined from alloy steel and fully heat treated for maximum strength. Nuts are .150" taller than stock to prevent the nut from bottoming out on the stud when the head has been milled.

Last but not least to replace the leaking gasket. All these with no added performance gain, just a peace of mind and more robust engine.

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